This book is a short, fun book to read, and I gave it a rating of four out of five. A strange, nerdy boy named Dwight has created an origami Yoda that acts like an oracle; it will answer questions for those who need answers. However, like many oracles, the answers are unclear, and characters aren't always sure what to do. Tommy wants to ask a girl if she likes him, but he plans to ask the advice of Yoda first. Each chapter of the book relates a story about Yoda, as Tommy tries to decide if Yoda really has magical powers. Yoda gives advice about girls, a teacher's broken statue, a spelling bee, Cheeto Hog, and a pop quiz in science. It seems as though Dwight may be making up Yoda's advice, but Dwight doesn't always do what Yoda says. Very strange.
I gave this book a decent rating, because it's fun to read. It's not classic literature; it's not even close. However, it's humorous and deals with many common problems of friendship and school. Some of Yoda's advice seems a little crazy, but the advice usually works out. "Rush in fools do", "All of pants you must wet", "The Twist you must learn", and "Cheetos for everyone you must buy" are a few of Yoda's words of wisdom. This book is a quick-read, and most readers will probably enjoy it, if they don't mind strange. Or is that creative?
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