This blog began in 2009, and the posts come to you from the mouths of characters in the books. I've added my own thoughts too, in case you're interested. Cool, huh?! Older posts are a little different but should be equally interesting and helpful in finding good books. Click on the link below for posts about FANTASY and SPECULATIVE FICTION novels. You'll find hundreds of titles there.
My name is Maddie, and I don't have any friends. My "best friend" said I'm sometimes hard to get along with and later showed up with another girl from her new school. I kind of got mad and told her we should forget we were ever friends. Grandpa was a great scientist, and it looks like science is the only thing I'm good at. Why am I so mean when he was so nice? I still can't believe he died, and my parents want to give his things to a thrift store! I keep a notebook of SOP's (standard operating procedures) like he did, but mine has subjects like how to survive lunch with misfit know-it-alls and how to spot a liar. I accidentally left the notebook at the liar's house, but I don't think she'll read the mean things in it, right? I think my sister's bleeding disorder is getting more serious, but she's lying to our parents. What if she dies like our grandmother? Much of the plot was kind of depressing, as Maddie struggled with her issues. She wasn't dealing well with no friends at a new school, she was missing her grandfather terribly, and symptoms of the family illness were getting worse for the two girls. Maddie isolated herself for most of the book, and she screwed things up when she finally took a chance on a new friend. The second half of the book was much more compelling, as she finally started to face her problems. Middle grade students often feel a loneliness, as they become very self-conscious,so they may be able to identify with Maddie's struggles in handling the world. While probably not as popular with young readers, I liked Maddie's obsession with science too. Overall, Teagan wrote an engaging story of a young girl battling with the complications of life. The real issues of death, friendship, and illness formed the basis of it. I can recommend this book as a good read!
My name is Wyatt. My brother and I came to Hawaii to learn about its culture, but we now find ourselves drawn into an adventure concerning King Kamehameha the Great. He ruled the islands in the early 1800's, but his sacred burial site has been hidden since he died. Our adventure started when my brother jumped off the rocks into the churning Pacific waves to save a drowning man. Before being taken to the hospital in critical condition, he gave us an old map and said there was danger. We think the map may lead us to King Kamehameha's remains, but what is the danger? We suspect the man in the ocean may have been pushed, and some strange things have been happening. Gannon thinks we're being cursed by spirits, but we need to help protect King Kamehameha from land developers. However, we may be in over our heads. The plot is pretty straight-forward as I describe above. While enjoyable, this kind of book is not my cup of tea. I like adventures, and I like learning about new places. However, combining the two doesn't always work for me. This book teaches many interesting facts about Hawaii and its culture, but they're sometimes in your face. It's like the plot momentarily pauses, so information can be shared. I prefer to have the information blended more with the events. With that being said, there are many positive aspects to the book. It can be easily read, it includes excitement and suspense, and it takes place in Hawaii. I assume the rest of the series has a similar format, just different locations. This book will appeal to readers who enjoy a bit of mystery and learning about other cultures. Hey, it's Hawaii!
My name is Isabella, and my life is out of control. It's all my cousin's fault. All I did was agree to let him make a video of me being myself. How bad could that be? I didn't expect him to post the videos on YouTube, and I certainly never expected them to get eleven million views! I now find myself hiding from reporters and cameramen all around my house. And what am I going to do when school starts again next week? I kind of let my friends believe my mom is Italian royalty, and the school elections are next week. I know I should have told the truth in the first place, but I just couldn't find a way to change their minds. Now, with the real me all over YouTube, what am I going to do? The beginning of the plot started a bit slowly for me, but the whole book was less than one-hundred pages. I guess the "slow" start was just the result of vague events. Isabella was hiding out, hinted at her problems, but didn't clearly share why the reporters were lurking outside her house. The plot skipped around a bit as it mixed the present problem with the paparazzi with flashbacks to how the video and school problems started. Actually, the whole book could really happen to someone. Home videos posted on YouTube that become viral sensations? Potential friends at a new school with misinformation about the new kid? The new kid wants to be accepted, so she keeps quiet? Far-fetched series of events, but it's all possible. Overall, it was a fun story based on today's technology. Young readers should be able to identify with the problems and should enjoy the whole story.
My name is Irene, and I've discovered a piece of a map. I don't know what it's about, but two men attacked me trying to get their hands on it. I wrote letters to my good friends in London, Arsene Lupin and Sherlock Holmes, and they've both arrived here in France to help. Sherlock is the one who figured out the map is of an area of Paris, and we now find ourselves there searching for clues. We've discovered the man behind the thieves is called the Grand Master of Paris, but we have no idea of his true identity. Our search for the truth will take us into the countryside, to Paris itself, and even under the city. This book is a young reader's version of the classic Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and it's the fourth one in a series. The author provided clues to help readers solve the problem, but the resolution still included surprises. It was nice to see a female protagonist being assisted by two talented boys. The kids formed a tight-knit "family". The boys provided brains and "muscle", but Irene was the leader. Each character contributed unique abilities, and Irene didn't fit the stereotype of a young girl. She was inquisitive, rebellious, and took chances. Maybe even stretched the truth a bit. Overall, an entertaining book that will appeal to young lovers of mysteries.