This book is on the new BOB list, and I gave it a rating of five out of five. DJ is a junior in high school, living on a farm in Wisconsin. Since her father needs a walker to get around, and her older brothers have gone off to college, she is left doing all of the daily chores. It's a hard, thankless job, and she's feeling like a cow, not thinking for herself and always doing what everyone else tells her to do. Then, Brian, the quarterback for her high school's big rival, is sent by his coach to work on the farm,. The handsome whiner doesn't appreciate the work, and DJ is pretty annoyed at his laziness. However, in time, he helps DJ reflect on her life and motivates her to change. She's even thinking of trying out for her school's football team!
Some readers may want more action, but I enjoyed the book. DJ is an interesting character, and the plot brings up many of her internal and external conflicts. She has: flunked English, gotten annoyed about chores, a demanding father, a silent little brother, a mother who's rarely at home, a complicated relationship with her best friend, and new feelings for Brian. The story is told in a first-person point of view, so the author is really able to describe her feelings and thoughts. The interaction between DJ and Brian brings up many warm and funny situations that made me smile. There is a sequel to this book called
The Off Season.