This book is the 2014 winner of the Cybils Book Award in middle grade fiction. Nickel Bay Nick has been secretly passing out $100 bills for the past seven years, but he hasn't been heard from during this Christmas season. Meanwhile, Sam is a problem child. It's been years since he had his heart transplant, but he's now hanging out with older kids, vandalizing property, and stealing from stores. However, he makes a big mistake when he destroys the Christmas decorations of the old man down the street. It seems this man was once an international spy, and he has enough private information to blackmail Sam. He forces Sam to use his skills as a liar and thief to do some missions around the town, and he's almost caught by the police. Sam must continue to follow orders or he'll be taken from his father and sent to a juvenile facility.
Despite what my summary says, this book is a feel-good story. The missions are surprising and share a positive message for readers. Although Sam seems to be a sassy pain in the butt, the missions allow his good qualities to shine. The author is able create a sense of mystery surrounding the old man and his missions. There's something the old man isn't saying, but readers may be able to guess it. This book is one of my favorites of the year.
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